Coaches Code of Conduct

As a coach volunteering for the CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association, I agree to abide by the following Coaches Code of Conduct:

  • I will always coach by the rules and will teach my players to play by them.
  • I will remember that the game is for the players - always.
  • I will try to be positive and constructive at all times.
  • I will never use abusive or profane language and will remain in control of my emotions. I will insist that parents, coaches, players and spectators follow my example.
  • I will treat all game officials with respect, recognizing that they are volunteers or young adults, and that baseball rules involve judgment. I will accept their decisions calmly and respectfully and will question calls in a manner consistent with the rules of the game recognizing that all players and spectators are watching. If I have complaints, I will use the appropriate methods of appeal during the game and not involve myself in confrontational behavior on the field. After the game I may choose to go through the proper channels for resolution and will do so in a respectful and appropriate manner.
  • I will promote sportsmanlike conduct, positive cheering and shaking hands with the opposing team after each game. I will not tolerate jeering, trash-talking, or displays of anger or disrespect and will address this behaviour immediately.
  • I will remember that we will not win every game. I will coach to the best of my abilities and will be thankful when we win and gracious when we lose and will teach players to behave in the same manner.
  • I will not engage in any unbecoming activity that brings disrepute or criticism towards myself, my team or the Association.
  • I will continuously improve my baseball coaching skills by keeping informed about sound principles of coaching as well as growth and development principles relating to children. I will attend coaching clinics to the best of my ability and will ensure I am officially qualified for the level in which I am involved.
  • I will stress to players and parents the importance of leaving each other, each dugout, each ballpark, each tournament site, and each situation in better shape than we found them.
  • I will monitor the behavior of my team’s parents in the stands and will take action as necessary to ensure proper conduct.
  • I will conduct regular practices that will be used to teach sound baseball fundamentals, while allowing for fun.
  • I will be patient and remember that players improve at different rates.
  • I will ensure all players are instructed on safety. I will check the equipment and facilities that we use to ensure they meet safety standards and are appropriate for the age and ability of players. I will carry a first aid kit.
  • I will not manipulate tryouts or rules to achieve an unfair advantage. I will respect the confidentiality of evaluations.
  • I will respect private conversations I have with players, parents, game officials and the Association officials and not share information unless given permission to do so by the individuals involved.
  • I will place the emotional, developmental & physical well being of players ahead of the desire to win.
  • I will treat all players fairly and equitably, without discrimination with respect to race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family status, physical or mental disability, gender or sexual orientation.
  • I will consider the player’s health and well-being as foremost consideration when making decisions regarding an injured player’s ability to continue playing or training.
  • I will not use physical force of any kind in the conduct of coaching duties. At the conclusion of the baseball season, I will return all equipment to the Association in a timely manner.
  • I will be drug and alcohol free while at any baseball activity. I will not use any tobacco products in the dugout or on the playing field.
  • I will ensure an environment for players, fellow coaches and volunteers that is free of harassment. Harassment takes many forms but can generally be defined as behaviors, including comments and/or conduct, which are insulting, intimidating, humiliating, hurtful, malicious, degrading or otherwise offensive to an individual or group of individuals or which creates an uncomfortable environment.
  • I will abide by the dress code at all times by wearing my team’s uniform while on the field.
  • I acknowledge that if I fail to abide by this Code of Conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action levied by the CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association.

Possible disciplinary measures include but are not limited to:

  • Verbal warning
  • Written warning
  • Restricted from attending a specified number of attending games/practices
  • Restricted from attending games/practices for remainder season, including postseason
  • Offending person expelled from the Association
  • Please keep in mind that your actions may have an impact on your son or daughters’ enjoyment of the game and in serious situations could lead to suspension or release of a player based on the actions you take.

SUMMARY: CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association coaches should assume at all times they are representing the Association. CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association coaches agree to adhere to all conditions set forth with in the Coaches Code of Conduct Policy once registration forms are submitted to the Association.

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