Social Media Policy


To provide guidelines to inform the CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association and its members about the appropriate use of social media and to protect the Association and its members from the misuse of social media.


For the purpose of this social media policy “Social Media” can be considered any form of on-line activity that actively involves posting information or comments on the Internet. The policy will encompass communications through such Internet mediums and platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and any other social media forum that allows users to communicate online. As an extension to this definition, content delivered by email or in person will be treated in the same manner. “Warning” can be considered a letter issued by the CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association Executive and held as a formal record. “Suspension” can be considered a prohibition of attendance and/or participation in any CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association practice, game and/or event in which the Association is a participant. It is not restricted to a particular geographical location.

The policy will be applicable to all members of CBS Minor Baseball, including executive, coaches, team managers, players, players’ family members and supporters. The CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association recognizes and appreciates the value of social media and the importance of social networking to all of its stakeholders. While we see the positives, we must also be aware of the dangers social media can present and this policy will address the procedures that should be explored when a violation takes place. Executive members are required to address incidents when they are made aware of them.

One rule of thumb will generally keep all members within compliance of this policy; if it isn’t positive, don’t post it!

The purpose of this policy is two-fold:

  1. It should be used to educate members about the appropriate use of social media when sharing information related to the CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association activities; and
  2. It should also provide guidelines to executives when a violation occurs.

Policy Guidelines:

The CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association holds all members who participate in social media to the same standards as it does for all other forms of media including radio, television and print. Comments or remarks of an inappropriate nature, which are detrimental to any team, volunteer, individual or the Association as a whole will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action. It is prudent to recognize that social media comments are on the record and instantly published and available to the public and media. Everyone including the Association executive and/or team personnel, players, corporate partners and the media can review social media communications. You should conduct yourself in an appropriate and professional manner at all times. Refrain from divulging confidential information of a personal or team related nature. Use your best judgment at all times - pause before posting. Once your comments are posted they cannot be retracted. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for your comments and they are published for the public record.

Violation Guidelines:

The following are examples of conduct through social media and networking mediums that are considered violations of the CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association Social Media Policy and may be subject to disciplinary action by the Association Executive:

  • Any statement deemed to be publicly critical or detrimental to the welfare of any member of the Association;
  • Negative or derogatory comments about any member of the Association, teams, staff, volunteers, programs, stakeholders, coaches or players;
  • Any form of bullying, harassment or threats against members, coaches players or officials;
  • Photographs, video or comments promoting negative influences or criminal behavior;
  • Online activity that contradicts the current policies and mandate of CBS Minor Baseball;
  • Inappropriate, derogatory, racist, or sexist comments of any kind; and
  • Online activity that is meant to alarm other individuals or to misrepresent fact or truth

Enforcement Guidelines:

Because social media violations may vary in terms of their seriousness and effect, care must be taken to consider sanctions that are appropriate in each situation that presents itself. That is not to say that these types of violations are minor, but rather, some may be more serious than others. This document is intended to assist the Association Executive as they assess social media violations. Factors that can be considered when dealing with social media violations include:

  • Whether harm, physical, emotional, or otherwise, resulted from the violation;
  • The circumstances of the violation;
  • The effect the violation had upon its recipient, the recipient’s family, the team, the Association, or the community; and
  • Any previous social media violation history.

Disciplinary Actions:

Depending on a number of factors, the CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association may take any one or a combination of actions listed below based on the circumstances. Examples of activities that could trigger/warrant such action include but not limited to:

  • Implicit or implied threats of death or serious bodily harm;
  • Encouraging someone to do themselves serious harm;
  • Posting of pictures/video of a threatening nature;
  • Slurs against someone’s race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation;
  • Slurs against another member or their family;
  • Posting or sending comments to damage a person’s reputation and relationships with friends; and
  • Negative or derogatory comments about the Association or its executive, coaches, staff, players, parents or supporters of our programs

Possible disciplinary measures include but not limited to:

  • Verbal warning;
  • Written warning;
  • Restricted from attending a specified number of attending games/practices;
  • Restricted from attending games/practices for remainder season, including postseason;
  • Offending person expelled from the Association;
  • Involvement of police or other officials as required; and
  • Please keep in mind that your actions may have an impact on your son or daughters’ enjoyment of the game and in serious situations could lead to suspension or release of a player based on the actions you take.

Any and all violations of the social media policy will require the immediate removal of the unacceptable content.

Any individual or team wishing to establish and operate a social media platform on behalf of a CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball team will be required to make a request in writing to the Executive prior to the creation of any account. The use of the Association name, wordmark and any accompanying logos are the intellectual property of the organization and as such, approval must be given in order for them to be used or represented by another party on any and all social media platforms. This also ensures that all players on a team have of approved photo usage at the time of registration and that any accounts created and their usage follow the rules set out within this policy.

Any misuse or use without prior approval of the Executive may result in the disciplinary action as stated within this policy. Any creation of an account without prior approval will require the immediate discontinuation of said account and privileges may be revoked for current and future team social media accounts. Administrators of team social media accounts are required to make appropriate tags and shares including making best efforts to tag and share all posts with CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball on any and all platforms.

SUMMARY: When using social media and networking mediums, the CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association members should assume at all times they are representing the Association. All members of Association should utilize the same discretion with social media and networking as they do with other traditional forms of media. CBS Kiwanis Minor Baseball Association members agree to adhere to all conditions set forth with in the Social Media Policy once registration forms are submitted to the Association. It is understood that violating the guidelines set fourth within the policy will lead to appropriate disciplinary action. Please note that as parents your actions could have a direct impact on your child's enjoyment and continued participation in our programs. 

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